Collecting Crystals

Crystals, I believe, pick us as much as we pick them. Somemay only be here for a short time to fulfill a specific purpose. Others you may put to good use before donating to charity. Others may become a part of your life as a result of your attraction your desire to own them. Choosing crystals for any of these reasons is a smart move.

Two crystals with specific power helping you through some things will be referred to as a collection. Each one should be chosen with care, based on your instincts and knowledge of what works for you. Place it in your house as per the change you need in energy – bedrooms, baths, study, or your workplace. Build up a collection, if you wish, over the years. But remember, just because you’re interested in crystals doesn’t mean they have to take up all of your time and space.

Some points to be considered before you start collecting crystals:

1. Do you have any crystals in your possession? If so, make a list.

2. How well-versed are you with the properties of the crystals you own? Do you know their names? If not, then keep on reading, and in Chapters 5 & 6, we’ll discuss the crystals and their characteristics in detail.

3. The 10 “workhorse” crystals are an excellent place to start if you wish to expand your collection. Considering how versatile these gems are, every new player should have access to them. There’s a lot more to learn about these gems over here.

4. However, knowing the names of your crystals helps you utilize them more precisely. To begin, I have made a colorcoded crystal chart to assist you in identifying your stones.

5. Once you’ve determined your crystals, check to decide whether or not you lack any of the 10 crystal workhorses. Starting your collection by filling in any holes in your inventory will be a fantastic way to get the ball rolling.

6. Where to shop for crystals? There are several places and online websites that assist you in buying the crystals you need. Though it’s preferable to purchase crystals in person so that one can hold the crystal to feel its vibes. There is nothing wrong with buying online, too; just that thorough cleansing is needed.

7. Crystals may be purchased at retail in many cities and villages. Some examples of these businesses are mystical bookshops, crystal boutiques, and new age shops. If the staff is knowledgeable, most stores will allow you to handle the stones before you buy.

8. For crystal shopping, go no further than one of the many roadside minerals or gem shows. Entrance fees may apply, and many events only happen a few times each year in your region, so prepare ahead of time if you can. For the most part, event sellers know a lot about the crystals and will let you touch them before buying anything from them.

9. You can find some big-name retailers and auction or craft sites like Look at the seller’s reviews before making a purchase to ensure that they are a trustworthy company.

Natural therapeutic tools, such as gemstones, vary in their effectiveness. Some are very potent and useful than others. In the following chapters, we’ll take a closer look at these 10 crystals. For the time being, think of these as your beginner’s kit. Must have crystal workhorses.

The first three stones combined make a very potent collection aiding you in dealing with many energy healing issues. Nevertheless, if you want to round out your collection with more flexible gems, consider adding the rest of the 7 from the list below:

I. Clear Quartz: Also known as the Master healer, pure quartz is the most versatile and can absorb, store, release and regulate energy.

ii. Smokey Quartz: A manifestation stone that transforms negative energy
into good, aids concentration, assists in communication difficulties, and dispels nightmares.

iii. Citrine: Helps raise one’s self-esteem and financial well-being. Releases negative traits, depression, fears & phobias. Transmits joy, passion, and enthusiasm.

iv. Rose Quartz: Known as the Love stone, symbolizes unconditional affection. It promotes unconditional love by re-establishing trust and
harmony in relationships.

v. Amethyst: Reduces feelings of melancholy and despair and clears the mind of debris. Initiates spiritual consciousness awakens intuition and heightens psychic skills. A powerful healer and purifier.

vi. Black Tourmaline: Or Schorl can be used to ward off negativity, quite effective in deflecting radiation. It enhances one’s energy, emotional & physical health.

vii. Rainbow Flourite: enhances intuition, fosters romantic love, and makes communication easier.

viii. Carnelian: Also known as the Artist Stone or the Sunset Stone, carnelian aids in establishing healthy boundaries , maintaining your
integrity, and expressing your creativity.

ix. Hematite: The meaning of Hematite is grounding and protection. It has the power to stop negative emotions in their tracks, which instills a profound sense of trust and security in the heart.

x. Turquoise: Being a purification stone, turquoise encourages self-discovery and aids in problem-solving creativity. It is both a friendship emblem and a romantic love stimulant.

Crystals:Cut-Uncut & Sacred Geomentry

be traced back to one or more geometric forms. Crystals may take any of these forms. Polyhedrons and spheres are just a couple from several other shapes, crystals may take, and each one offers its own unique properties. Working with stones carved into these forms will allow you to access the properties of the crystal and the sacred structure. Here are some sacred geometric shapes in crystal grids and how they make you feel:

The dodecahedron serves as a powerful energy tool. It links you to intuition and higher worlds.

The earth element is symbolized as a hexahedron, which is a six-sided cube. It provides a sense of rootedness and stability.·

Associated with Water elements because of their shape. Establishes a link between you and the forces of change and flow.

It resembles a 3D Star. It’s also linked to the power of divine truth and enduring knowledge.

Octahedrons symbolize the element Air, which encourages qualities such as compassion and kindness.

The energy of fullness, wholeness, and oneness is all radiated by the sphere simultaneously.

Tetrahedron or pyramid represents the element Fire & is associated with stability, equilibrium, and the power to bring about change.

Some vendors have started trademarking crystals in the last few years to increase their sales. There is usually a much less expensive generic crystal with the same characteristics for every branded crystal. This works similarly to brand-name medicines and generics. Except for pricing, there is no distinction between branded and nonbranded crystals. When crystals are branded, it is usually because they come from a specific location on land that belongs to the individuals who are branding them. However, the location has little to no effect on the crystal’s properties.

These are some gems and the names they can be recognized as:

  • Amazon Jade is basically amazonite.
  • Aqua Terra Jasper is resin or onyx.
  • Atlantis Stone is Larimar.
  • Azeztulite is clear quartz.
  • Boji Stones are Kansas pop rocks or concretion stones.
  • Healerite is chrysolite.
  • Isis Calcite is white calcite.
  • Lemurian Light Crystals are Lemurian quartz.
  • Mani Stone is black-and-white jasper.
  • Master Shamanite is black calcite.
  • Merkabite Calcite is white calcite.
  • Revelation Stone is brown or red jasper.
  • Sauralite Azeztulite is quartz from New Zealand.
  • Zultanite is the mineral diaspore.
  • Agape Crystals combine these 7 crystals: clear quartz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, amethyst, goethite, lepidocrocite, and cacoxenite.

Patterns, Colors & Vibes- All you need to pick'em!

Previously, I discussed the top three among the ten crystal workhorses. That does not imply that you must purchase the crystals in question. The crystals in chapter # might help you with specific problems or ideas. There are alternative methods for locating crystals that are suitable for you, as well. You should select your crystals with the Vibes you get, colors, or crystal system. The 3 easy and correct ways to initiate your collection.

Earlier, I discussed crystal systems. Crystals are classified into crystal systems based on their inner structure. These crystal systems possess specific properties, like:

  • Hexagonal Crystals: Manifests
  • Isometric Crystals: Amplifies Energy
  • Monoclinic: Protection
  • Orthorhombic Crystals: Cleanse, Unblock, Release.
  • Tetragonal Crystals: Attracts
  • Triclinic Crystals: Wards off Negativity.
  • Trigonal Crystals: Balances & re-energizes
  • Amorphous Crystals: different properties.

Color’s significance goes well beyond personal taste. Vibrational energies corresponding to different colors have therapeutic effects. In the following chapter, we’ll talk about color’s distinct characteristics. However, you may pick crystals for specific problems by choosing a crystal from the crystal system that has the qualities you want it to show combined with the therapeutic principles of the hue. Each crystal has a unique vibrational frequency that helps to eliminate blockages and repel bad energy, no matter how eye-catching the hues or the alien patterns are.

Once you are clear about the basics of crystals, you must go with your gut. Hold them. Feel them. Welcome the vibes emitted by the crystal. What do you sense – Calmness? Uneasiness? Or any other emotional or physical changes? Only after this examination will I pay for the crystal.

What happens if you don’t do it? That’s not to suggest that you should never use that crystal again if you have a terrible experience with it. With time, the gems that speak to you will change. Do not ignore feelings of attraction you have toward crystals other than their appearance; if a crystal calls to you, you can rest assured it is a crystal choosing you.

Shopping for Crystals

  • Before making a purchase, do some homework on the shop. Look up the reputation of the vendor online and see what others have to say about them.
  • There are experts – Mystical Shops, Crystal shops, exhibition or gem shows, don’t feel shy and ask them to help with your search, they’ll love it. Enlighten yourself, use the resources around you.
  • Beware of scammers. If you’re unsure about a crystal’s name, ask the seller. If so, seek a generic substitute. Find out more from an app or through an online search.
  • Choosing a crystal is a really personal and fulfilling process. When confronted with a plethora of stones, one frequently sticks out; it has a unique charm and appears to be exactly perfect. This is the crystal you should select!
  • Don’t be scared to handle crystals when making your decision. Simply focussing on the crystal in your palm will make you aware of its power. Your best option will be the one with the most potent and optimistic vibes.
  • Regardless of its look, your pick is generally the one that initially piqued your interest and feels exactly right. Trust your intuition. Stay aware, alert. You might feel a pull towards a particular area in the shop. Check the crystals in that area; some might be calling to you. Let your gut guide you through the store.
  • Feel the stones. Touch them. You should always hold the crystals you purchase in your hands before making a purchase. If a shop doesn’t let you hold or touch crystals before buying them, then leave the shop.
  • It’s easy to reach for the first appealing, shiny thing that catches your eye. Yes, I get it! Segment your search.

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