Ethically Sourced

Our products are Ethically sourced or supplied through means of sustainability, in terms of the item itself, environment and well being of the workers. Fair trade is to ensure that producers are getting their fair share of money in the process of trading which shows that they have met a given standard for protection of workers and environment.

Conflict free means any “conflict minerals” (gold, columbite,-tantalite, also known as coltan, cassiterite, wolframite, or their derivatives: tin, tantalum or tungsten) necessary to the functionality or production of the supplied products, either do not originate from the “Conflict Region” situated in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries or are from recycled or scrap sources. Cadence does not knowingly procure products containing any of the above-specified metals that originate from facilities in the “Congo Region” that are not certified as “Conflict Free”. Although Cadence is not regulated under the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) we understand that many of our customers are; which requires us to maintain the same requirements as theirs in addition to our commitment to our moral & ethical responsibilities. 


Cadence requires that suppliers of products that contain any one of the conflict minerals to declare that they are compliant to the conflict mineral program. Suppliers to Cadence must adopt a policy regarding conflict minerals that is consistent with Cadence’s policy and require their management systems to support compliance with their policy while requiring their own suppliers to also take the same measures to ensure they too have a policy with the same results. 


Cadence expects suppliers to establish their own due diligence program to ensure that the specified metals are being sourced only from smelters outside of the “Conflict Region” or from smelters which have been certified by an independent third party as “Conflict Free” if sourced within the “Conflict Region”. Smelters are qualified as “Conflict Free” if validated as compliant to the EICC Conflict Free Smelter (CFS) protocol, using the CFS Compliant Smelter List. Cadence expects suppliers to maintain compliance systems and be able to demonstrate a satisfactory record of written evidence (if required) to support their due diligence programs. Cadence may in its sole discretion asses & monitor ongoing performance and compliance with its conflict minerals policy, including but not limited to a review of appropriate supplier documents and review of past practices of the supplier. If Cadence discovers the use of conflict minerals produced in facilities that are considered to be “Non-Conflict free” in any supplied products or being used at any point in the supply chain they will take appropriate action to transition the supply of these products to a “Conflic…