Crystals Beauty, Power Vibes

In times of strife, many still seek ways to be more conscious, alleviate worry, and reduce stress. Therefore alternative therapies such as crystal healing gain popularity. The idea of using crystals to heal has been around for centuries. Still, with a few celebrities openly expressing their faith in the technique, it’s experienced a more widespread renaissance in recent years. Crystal healing is a complementary therapy that involves using gemstones to harmonize a person’s life and psyche. “Crystals have a constant and unchanging energy pattern, each with a unique frequency and energy field, or resonance,” according to the definition.

The use of crystals for energy healing resurfaced a few decades ago and is still gaining popularity. Although it may appear difficult to understand how a rock can be used for healing in this modern age of science, the answer lies in the vibrational energies found in crystals and how they influence the energy fields all around them, including the human energy field.

In crystallography, crystal structure refers to the systematic arrangement of their constituent elements and/or molecules inside a crystalline structure. The inherent nature of the component particles results in ordered formations, which create symmetric patterns that recur throughout treedimensional space.

Crystals or rocks are composed of 7 such crystal systems, also known as lattice patterns. They’re briefly explained below:

1. Hexagonal: The inner structure of a hexagonal crystal is like a 3D (3 dimensional) hexagon. Hexagonal crystals contribute to manifestation.

2. Isometric (Cubic): The inner structure of an isometric crystal is like a cube. They boost energies and improve the situation.

3. Monoclinic: The inner structure of a monoclinic crystal has a 3-D parallelogram structure. These crystals are used for protection.

4. Orthorhombic: The orthorhombic crystals have a diamond-shaped crystalline pattern. They cleanse and remove energy blockages.

5. Tetragonal: The tetragonal crystals have a rectangular structure inside. These crystals are attractors; they help attract things to you.

6. Triclinic: The triclinic crystals have three inclined axes inside. These gems either fend off negative energies or assist in the retention of positive ones.

7. Trigonal: The trigonal crystals have a triangular structure
inside, like in the Prism.

Crystals come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and compositions. You can find crystals as points, clusters, masses, and stones. Besides that, they’re fashioned into various forms such as eggs, spheres, pyramids, wands, obelisks, and touchstones by tumbling, cutting, and polishing.

Connecting with the Earth’s energy can be a lot of fun and enchanting when you use crystals for their spiritual and therapeutic qualities. However, when there are so many crystals to select from and you’re new to the crystal healing game, it may be overwhelming to find out the spiritual significance of each one. When working with crystals, I’ve learned a few techniques from my training as an energy healer. One of them is to select stones based on their hue to support various goals rather than research them. Color has an energy and a therapeutic effect on crystals.

Other spiritual techniques, such as color magic or the ancient eastern chakra system, use color symbolism similar to crystals. Various colors are associated with multiple facets of our well-being, including bodily health, emotional well-being, and spiritual well-being. We’ll go over how color works later in the book, but there are a few things you should know about crystals and their colors first. A crystal’s hue is determined by the following factors:

  • Light absorption properties it possesses
  • The minerals/chemicals it contains
  • Any imperfections within the crystal

Minerals and impurities influence the light wavelengths the crystal absorbs and the color that results. For instance, if a crystal absorbs all the light wavelengths, it appears black. Words like crystal, gem, mineral, and rock are sometimes used interchangeably. Certain non-crystal substances, such as
amber (petrified tree sap), are sometimes referred to as crystals or stones. As for the difference in technical terms, they are as follows:

Crystal: A crystal is a mineral with a crystalline internal structure. Agate, which is a hexagonal crystal, is both a mineral and a rock too.

Gem: A gem is a polished, processed form of crystal. A cut diamond, known to be a crystal or a rock, is a gem or gemstone. Despite their gemstone status, amber and pearl are not crystals or stones.

Mineral: Mineral is a naturally occurring material having a particular chemical composition and a highly organized structure, which may or may not be crystalline in nature. Unlike other minerals, opal does not have a crystalline structure, making it both a gem and a rock.

Rock: A rock created through erosion, volcanic eruptions, or metamorphism is a combination or an aggregate of minerals. Marble is a metamorphic rock, meaning it’s gone through a lot of pressure and heat, thus made up of ultiple minerals.

Crystal Industry

As the demand for crystals and gemstones has increased, a whole industry has sprung up around lab-created gems and jewelry. These gemstones are often seen in jewelry, and they may come in a wide range of sizes, colors, and clarities. Natural crystals are expensive as jewelry, while synthetic rystals are less so. Through the course of billions of years, crystals grow deep beneath the Earth’s crust. As a result, many people think they still possess a healthy physique capable of storing large amounts of energy. Some people believe this reduces purity. It’s fair to assume that touching any crystal will affect its vibes. Thus every crystal energy is tainted after it’s been touched. Try holding a variety of crystals and observe which one has the power you need at the time. I would like to suggest that you hold different crystals in your hand and check if the energy you feel is the kind that you need at that moment.

Energy is in everything. The most fundamental property of matter, according to quantum physics, is that it is made up of vibrating strings of electricity. Your body has energy flowing inside, so do the crystals. You would be surprised at how accurate people are at estimating their own energy levels. If you don’t “vibe” with another individual, whether or not you
understand the concept of energy or energy healing, you may sense it. To have this experience is to be aware of energy and recognize that the energetic frequency of someone else does not match your own.

Now, ever been in the presence of a pessimist and noticed that your mood takes a dive? Or ever been around a very cheerful person and felt your mood lifting up too? This is what you call entrainment – to put it simply, how our energies affect each other to get synced.

It’s like Circadian Rhythm, the internal clock built in our body. Circadian rhythm is a method for your brain to signal alertness sleepiness, or body temperature changes by responding to light in the environment. Let’s talk about the sleep-wake cycle. The hypothalamus is a brain clock that responds to energetic time cues to help mammals determine when to get up and sleep. Any individual/person following a set routine for a more extended period will have their internal body clock working so efficiently that they might not even need external help from devices to set the alarm to wake up.

As a person who is always curious about the How, the Why things are the way they’re said to be, knowing about Crystals is equally fascinating. While studying crystals, I became intrigued by their electrical properties.

Crystals have their own unique vibration, much like everything else in the universe. The human body, like all living things, has a beat that may be influenced by other vibrations. The entrainment from working with crystals may alter not just your physical state but also your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Crystals tend to increase your vibration since their resonant frequencies are greater than those of the human body. It is beneficial for people to vibrate at a higher frequency because it enables us to progress spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally.

Quartz, garnet, diamond, and other crystal sands were employed as abrasives by ancient civilizations to cut through rock and stone, make jewelry and decoration, and engrave intricate designs. Since the late 1800s, the piezoelectric effect was first shown using quartz crystals. It was discovered that synthetic crystals were more complex and abrasive than
natural crystals. As a result, they rapidly gained a significant market share in a wide range of sectors. The crystals have been utilized in technology from thereon.

Quartz has numerous applications in technical systems that need great accuracy, including oscillators that vibrate at a precise frequency. It is used in various devices, including sonars, wristwatches, amateur radio transmitters, and more. Due to quartz crystals’ ability to maintain a fixed frequency standard, timepieces like watches and clocks are accurate. Additionally, quartz is utilized in radios, microprocessors, and an array of other industrial and technical products.

The watch business makes use of synthetic quartz, ruby, and Sapphire. The sapphire crystal in Rolex watches is scratchresistant and colorless. Watch, and other mechanical devices’ robust bearings have been made from synthetic ruby. A silicon chip drives a synthetic quartz crystal watch to keep track of time. It is from pure quartz sand that one may produce silicon metal. This semiconductor has been instrumental in the invention of the transistor, microelectronics, and silicon chips, among other things.

For cutting stone blocks and decorative stones, diamond bits are used in industrial saws and ropes. Oil well drill bits are now equipped with diamond crystal-studded drill bits. To work with hard gemstones like Jade and Sapphire, jewelry and lapidary craftsmen utilize saws filled with diamonds, copper lapping covered in diamond dust, and diamond polishing powder.

Ruby Laser is a red-light beam invented in 1960 and generates a bright, focused beam with slight divergence. It has a wide range of industrial uses; CD players, long-distance phones, surveying, and microsurgery use this technology. The ruby laser pointer is helpful for lecturers of all kinds, not only college academics. Steel plates can be sliced with high-energy lasers, while diamonds can be drilled using low-energy lasers.

Energy is emitted and absorbed by some crystals. This implies they may be used in conjunction with computers and other gadgets to minimize radiation and any adverse consequences of device use, such as tension and anxiety. Some examples are Sodalite, tourmaline, and rose quartz. Citrine near a computer might boost your creativity and productivity.

Sense, Transform, Believe

People dedicate their lives to spiritual communication, such as mystics and psychic mediums, and energy healers and metaphysicians who are incredibly attuned to the energy around them. I don’t want you to become that person, though. Instead, I’d like to guide how the ordinary person may use crystals to experience energy changes. How do you connect with a stone meaningfully?

1. Having a skeptical mindset is very understandable. One has to have an open and curious mind to experience new wonders. Besides the fact that I didn’t believe in any of it, I wouldn’t visit a medical doctor/energy healer; if anybody had informed me, they use a crystal to help get rid of chronic cold, pains, cramps, etc. But I was astonished by the results and the change I felt after utilizing a crystal.

2. As I said earlier, enter this world of alternative healing and do not assume how things will be.

3. I’ve discovered, expectations put a limit on our experiences. As a result, when I embark on a new adventure, I try not to go in with any presumptions about what will happen because the Powers That Be (universe/Divine powers) may have something extraordinary in store for me. While working with a crystal, instead of expecting any kind of result, be in the moment and see where it’ll take you.

To begin working on your first crystal, find the one that calls to you, that excites you. You will know exactly which one I mean. If it is from the ones I mention further in this chapter, splendid.

And it is alright if it is not. Consider using a crystal that speaks to you, if you can, while working on healing. What do you know, maybe it is drawing you to itself for a very good cause(/reason)?

When we talk about crystals, no two people’s experiences are alike. In the end, all that matters is your experience and what you have to say. Try it out and see what happens. Put a crystal in your hand, hold it. Focus on the present and note what unfolds. Make it a point to observe your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Accept. Rely on the knowledge you gained from your own experience.

Are you wondering what you would feel when a crystal is in your hand? Well, it is entirely up to you and the crystal. Perceive and take notes of how you feel. Observe all the sensations occurring – anything physical or emotional and just let them flow through you. Do not alter or try to block anything. Accept it. Allow it.

While holding a crystal, keep an open mind and experience what emerges, don’t block it. Feel the shift in the vibes and sensations. These vibes and modifications may be minor or intense. All you have to do is allow it to flow through. These vibes, though essential, initiate the transformation.

Each crystal has its own properties and vibes, and everyone will have a different reaction to the same crystal. Simply put, I feel a sudden surge of energy (head rush) when in the vicinity of a high vibration crystal, like phenacite, but that does not mean that the person standing next to me will feel the same surge. They may be totally unaffected, for all you know. So, to be honest, what we both felt was completely different.

Two people working on the exact same crystal will get entirely different results. There are many ways to experience a crystal, and each one is unique. The way you see a crystal is determined by your own perceptions, vibes, desires, and assumptions. These elements are likely to change for somebody else, resulting in varied experiences. Similarly, one could have a specific need for a crystal to balance, whereas his buddy might have a different need balanced with the same crystal. Therefore, we conclude that there is no right or wrong way to use the crystal; they just acknowledge particular desires from the same crystal.

For someone like me, knowing everything about anything is necessary before attempting it at least once. One may spend hours, days, and even months reading and gathering all sorts of information about crystals; it is all just information unless they practically work with them. You might have gained a lot of knowledge but missed out on feeling the power within the crystals. That’s what I call a rookie mistake, a blunder made by the newbies.


Myths Debuked!

Curiosity may lead to education, but don’t let it come at the price of experiencing. Choose any crystal. Find the one that speaks to you, appeals to you. Wear it or just put it in your pocket. Hold it in your hand, and then continue reading. There are some myths about crystal healing and such alternative healing practices which I would like to dispel here:

a) It is All in the head:
The purpose of working with gemstones is to get you into your feelings rather than your head. You don’t need to justify or explain anything when you’re with crystals; they just let you feel. If you’re worried that it’s all in your head, just relax and let the crystals carry you away.

b) Must be spiritual to work with crystals:
Some of my friends wear crystals in different ways, andworking with them has brought about significant improvements in their lives. If you use crystals, it does notmatter if you’re spiritual or religious; crystals are compatible
with all faiths. Openness to new ideas and a genuine desire to improve yourself are all you need.

c) Crystals can harm too, not just do good:
Crystals have energy that may entrain yours. Intention & belief are key factors. If you anticipate crystals to hurt you, you may get hurt, but this is true for everything. Whether you utilize crystals, a placebo, or medication, your beliefs influence your outcomes and experiences. Most likely, you will not be injured if you approach crystals intending to alter vibration for the greater good.

d) The power of the crystals depends on how expensive they are.
The amount of money you spend on a crystal has nothing to do with its effectiveness. How a crystal impacts your energy is essential, and some of the most affordable stones may be just what you need.

e) No need to cleanse the crystals:
The power in the crystal is tainted with a mere touch. So before it reaches you, it has already collected vibes from several sources; it is mandatory to cleanse them and remove any undesirable energies. Will discuss more on cleansing or crystals in the coming chapters.

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