Delivery Information

Shipping time may vary based on your location as most shipments are processed via UPS Ground. All orders are shipped to a physical address. Once the order is approved, it is processed and shipped within 2-14 business days, depending on the season. Call or email if you need an order on urgent basis (fee may apply). Customers are notified in-case of any unforeseen delays.

Payment approval is required prior to shipping, including shipping and handling charges and any applicable sales tax.

sea cargo

For anyone sending cargo internationally, it is well known that ocean freight shipping is an option that offers shippers transportation services at an economical price point. As one of the oldest options for freight transportation, it’s also one of the most available since oceans and waterways cover most of our planet.

By air

As far as air transport is concerned, the great advantage is speed: a product can reach the other part of the world very quickly, normally at most within 10 days considering the technical time of organization. Among the negative aspects, first of all there is the cost, higher than sea and land transport. 

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