Magnifying the Healing Grids, Chakras, Colors

In addition to learning about crystals, there are many ways to learn about and practice energy healing. As crystals are a tangible example of energy healing that you can hold in your hand and use, many people start with them before moving on to other techniques/methods. Try merging your knowledge of crystal healing with colors, chakras, sounds, meditation, and many such methods. Take your pick and go ahead.

There are many ways to learn more about crystals to further your understanding and practice of energy healing. Using just one crystal has a significant impact. When combined with other crystals or healing techniques, you will experience more profound energetic changes in life.


Crystal grids are used by a variety of practitioners to focus energy for a variety of purposes. Each grid node is a gemstone, and when aligned with other stones, it becomes more powerful. For example, they can be used to bring in abundance, healing and connect you to the universe. Herbs,flowers, fruits, metal, feathers, bones, and so on can all be placed into the grid.

The Grid can be of any shape, but sacred geometry shapes amplify the power with correct arrangement. These basic shapes represent a particular purpose and are part of a group of shapes of The Sacred Geometry.

A spiral means the progression of life. It is a symbol of spiritual development and growth.

A symbol of totality, wholeness, original perfection, and timelessness, the self.

Vesica Piscis Or Mandorla:
This shape is a part of The Seed of Life (a figure of Sacred geometry) symbolizes creation, an intersection of the spiritual world and the world of matter.

The 4 corners represent unity, stability, and order. It symbolizes the truth and materialistic elements of the Earth.

A triangle symbolizes perfection, strength, wisdom, and connection. It is the apex of mind, body, and spirit.

Grids can be as simple as a spiral or a circle or as complex as the full Seed of Life. Pentagram, Cross, Star of David, Merkaba are also few of the many grids you can use. Here’s what you will need to make a crystal grid:

Crystal Grid (Shape):
Let your gut feeling guide you about the shape or choose one. Draw the pattern on paper, cloth, wood, or take a print.

Firstly, cleanse them properly before use. The main crystal or the activation crystal must be placed in the center, and surrounding crystals will fill in the rest of the points/lines of the pattern. Thus, amplifying the energy of the main stone, Perimeter stones bind the power to the grid.

Look for a place in or around your house. It has to be free from any other kind of movements or disturbances. One can use Fen-Shui to augment the power of the gird.

The Intention:
Jot down your intention on a piece of paper and place it under the center of the grid.

Candles & other Energy Tools [optional]:
You can place candles, singing bowls, incense, or any such thing that helps enhance the positive energy around the grid.

Sharing a couple of simple grid arrangements:

1. Forgiveness:
The configuration for the grid of forgiveness is a Spiral. Selenite is used as the activation stone. Clear quartz plays the role of perimeter stones.

2. Creativity:
The configuration for creativity grid is a Vesica Piscis. Citrine is the activation stone and Amethyst is the perimeter stone.

Instructions for making a crystal grid:

1. Cleanse the energy within and the place where you will be making the grid.

2. Decontaminate any residual energy from the crystals.

3. Charge those crystals. Concentrate on your intention and visualize that the crystal is filling up with that energy.

4. Put the written intention in the center of the grid. Play some music to create a mood, light up some candles, all the while focusing on your intention.

5. Now place the crystals on the grid. Normally the main stone or the activation stone is larger than the rest. You have to make sure to follow your instincts and be consistent with the symmetry.

6. You can “connect” each stone by touching each one while drawing an invisible line to “connect the dots” with your finger or another stone. This is how you activate the grid.

7. Now you can meditate in peace keeping the grid as your focal point.

Crystals are Mother Earth’s treasures. Presenting them in a crystal grid is more than just a way to put your crystals to use and manage their energy. It’s also an exciting way to decorate your space. It is a creative representation of your intention. A color theory is both a science and an art form in its own right.


It is undeniable that, color psychology has a positive effect on our emotions and mental state. While some places are depressing, others can actually enhance our well-being and productivity. In addition to having an effect on mood, colors also affect our physical well-being. Also, the color stimulates the mind and nervous system, promoting conversation and arousing the senses.

Color psychology refers to the study of how colors influence our emotions and moods. Seeing different colors elicits different psychological responses in us. Greenery always makes us feel more at ease. When working in offices decorated in warmer colors like browns and golds, people tend to feel more comfortable, whereas when in offices painted in lighter shades like pale blue or white, they tend to feel more uncomfortable. These colors don’t actually alter the temperature of the environment, but they can still have an impact on the perception of the people who see them.

Crystals, chakras, and energies all have certain corresponding color, that will help you work through specific issues. The 7 chakras have 7 different colors. We’ll discuss more about chakras in detail.

chakras & Sound

Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. Imagine them as freeflowing spinning discs of energy that should remain balanced and aligned, as they directly correlate to the nervous system, major organs, and parts of the human body that influence emotional and physical well-being.

There are 7 main chakras located down our spine. Each chakra has its own color, crystal, and other characteristics. If a chakra is out of alignment or, as we call it, imbalanced, one may experience physical, emotional, or spiritual discrepancies. These chakras are activated or opened by proper repetiton of a sound, which again is unique for each chakra.

When connected with similar colored crystals, Chakras will result in a harmonious flow of energies, thus balancing the chakras. Starting from the base of the spine, I have listed the chakras, where they’re located and their respective characteristics, below:

The Root Chakra or Muladhara

Base of the spine or the Tail-bone

Red, brown & Black

Element: Earth

Sound: Lam (लं)

Garnet, Bloodstone, tiger’s eye, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Red Jasper

When open:
Foundation, grounding, gives a feeling of stability, security.

When blocked:
Fearful, anxious, insecure & frustrated

The Sacral or Svadisthana

Lower Abdomen



Vam (वं)

Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Orange Moonstone, Sunstone, Argonite Star Clusters, Tangerine Quartz

When open:
Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality

When blocked:
Vulerable, manipulative, obsessed and may experience pain/stiffness around the chakra

The Solar Plexus or Manipura

Above the navel



Ram (रं)

Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Orange Moonstone, Sunstone, Argonite Star Clusters, Tangerine Quartz

When open:
Strength, personality, power, determination, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

When blocked:
Inferiority complex, lower self-esteem

The Heart Chakra or Anahata

Middle of the chest



Yam (यं)

Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and Watermelon tourmaline, Jade, and Green Calcite

When blocked:
Procrastination, apathy, low self esteem, anger control issues.

The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

Middle of the chest



Ham (यं)

Aquamarine and Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, and Turquoise

When open:
Communication, expression, creativity and inspiration

When blocked:
May be afraid to speak up, shy, or unable to communicate your feelings.

The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna

Center of the forehead

Dark Blue


Ham (यं)

Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, purple fluorite, black obsidian

When open:
Wisdom, Intuition, meditation, trust.

When blocked:
Non-assertive, fearful of success, or the polar opposite, egotistical

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

Top of the head



Aum (ॐ)

ClearQuartz, Amethyst, Selenite , Lepidolite, Howlite, Labradorite, Sugilite, White Agate, Flourite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Charoite, White Calcite,

When open:
Knowledge, consciousness, fulfilment and spirituality. It links all the six of the chakras.

When blocked:
Feeling unhappy, lonely, frustrated, no self-worth.

When blocked:
Feeling unhappy, lonely, frustrated, no selfworth. It is important to meditate to activate-open or unblocking a chakra. One has to focus on the chakra with a strong intent to balance it-unblock it.

A lot of people are intimidated by the thought of meditating because it seems tough. It is a common misconception that the only way to meditate is to sit in Padmasana (lotus posture) on the floor reciting “ॐ” (Aum). But that is only one sort of meditation. A mantra is a word or phrase that concentrates your thoughts on an aim or affirmation. The goal of yogic and dhyana practises is to achieve unity with one’s everlasting essence (the soul).

Meditation (dhyana) is a technique or activity to achieve mental peace. Needs consistent and daily practice. Sit comfortably. Concentrate on something or a certain point, and repeat an affirmation while being concscious about your breathing. Initially, speaking affirmations helps with the focus. Choose any positive mantra or affirmation you like: peace, joy, healing, love, or anything else you want to focus on. Holding or looking at a crystal amplifies the energy and purpose.

Concentration/Focusing can be a tough task in meditation; your mind needs to be clear of all other thoughts, . I propose daily meditation, starting with 5 minutes and working up to 20 minutes or more as needed. This chapter has shown you several ways to deepen your work with crystals. There’s a lot
to learn about each of these areas, but they aren’t prerequisites for working with crystals. These are optional activities, so take or leave what you like. Working with crystals alone might assist you start making good changes in your life.

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